What is Darsonval ?! Darsonval is a special device with a set of glass electrodes, which have ionized gas molecules inside. The electrodes have different shapes: comb, stick, mushroom and others. The choice depends on the purpose and place of application.
It is a device for physiotherapy and beauty treatments, which can also be used at home. Using a pulsed alternating current, the device expands blood vessels, improves blood circulation and nutrition of skin and mucous membranes, as well as hair.
If you want to cure oily skin, reduce swelling and inflammation, get rid of acne and prevent the development of wrinkles, darsonval can help with it!
Darsonval, as an "aid" for your face:
It is recommended to use the device in case of loss of elasticity, swelling and inflammation and other skin problems.
· With acne, acne and blackheads. With a daily treatment of electrical discharges, pores are narrowed and the complexion improves.
· For the care of oily skin.
· For cuts, bruises and scratches - to accelerate regeneration.
· For the prevention of wrinkles.
The result from darsonvalization will become noticeable only after the complete course, at least 10 treatments are required - each for 15 minutes, daily or every other day.
Darsonval for hair treatment:
Darsonval produces weak electric shocks that dilate blood vessels and normalize the condition of the hair. In addition, electronic pulses disinfect and destroy harmful microorganisms.
The darsonvalization procedure is recommended for people with thin hair. In some cases, the darsonval device also allows you to fight baldness.
After the course, the metabolism improves, the autonomic nervous system normalizes, the endocrine system begins to function more actively. Hair becomes thicker and hair roots are strengthened.
Another advantage of the device, Darsonval reduces hair greasiness and dandruff. Thanks to its antimicrobial and disinfectant properties, Darsonval normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and metabolic processes in the scalp. One course of treatments will improve the appearance of hair, tighten pores and reduce sebum. It will also help get rid of dandruff.
What each Darsonval attachment is for:
Comb attachment. The comb nozzle awakens dormant hair follicles and strengthens hair, restoring its natural shine. The electric charge carried out by the comb attachment regulates the sebaceous glands.
Mushroom nozzle. It is used for problematic and oily skin of the face, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. Effectively fights cellulite - improves lymph flow and blood circulation, saturates the skin with oxygen.
Straight nozzle. The universal attachment is suitable for treatments on wider parts of the face and body, arms, legs, thighs, buttocks. This electrode is used to get rid of cellulite, varicose veins, osteochondrosis. Also used to treat wounds and scars on the skin.
Petal attachment. Petal attachment - a attachment for the face that restores skin elasticity, prevents the development of wrinkles, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and skin tightness. Used for the face and décolleté area.
How to use the device:
Before and after the procedure, the electrodes should be disinfected with a cotton pad with any antibacterial agent. It is forbidden to wash the electrodes.
It is recommended to take off all metal objects - bracelets, rings, earrings. During the treatment, do not use a mobile phone or other electrical or metal devices.
How often you can use Darsonval:
For hair treatment:
The course should not exceed 20-25 sessions;
the device is recommended to be used daily;
break between courses - 3 months.
For facial treatment:
The course should not exceed 15–20 sessions;
sessions should be carried out every other day;
the first session - 5 minutes, then lengthen according to the doctor's recommendations;
break - 2-3 weeks.
For cellulite treatment:
The first session - 5 minutes, the next - gradually increase up to half an hour;
sessions should be carried out every other day for 2-3 weeks;
break between courses - 2-3 weeks.
It is not recommended to use darsonval at home in the following cases:
with bleeding and blood clotting disorders;
with epilepsy, tuberculosis and acute febrile conditions;
in case of skin hypersensitivity;
in the presence of malignant tumors;
for skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis;
with the expansion of red blood vessels on the face;
with cardiovascular insufficiency;
and also with excessive growth of facial hair (hirsutism).
The result of Darsonval's impact is not immediately noticeable; for a pronounced effect, it is necessary to undergo the recommended course of treatments. As a result of a regular and systematic approach to skin care, the capillaries expand and, as a result, the blood supply is normalized. In addition, the device activates the microcirculation of blood and lymph, thereby reducing congestion in the tissues and, as a result, the puffiness disappears, and the complexion improves.
The most important advantages of using this device:
· Increases the protective function and metabolic processes of the skin.
· Cell regeneration processes are accelerated, the skin surface becomes smoother and cleaner.
· The function of sweat and sebaceous glands is normalized.
· The number of rashes is reduced until their complete disappearance.
· The synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin is stimulated, due to which the skin tone is increased, the oval of the face becomes clearer.
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